Thursday, January 19, 2012

Feel good smoothie

Sooooo, my roommate just bought a blender. My parents always had a blender when I lived at home, but it was never used. The rare times that I did whip it out, in hopes of making a milkshake, or a smoothie, or whatever else sounded adventurous at the time..... it never worked. I would get mad and drink my milkshake with big ice chunks running through it, and vow to never try and use this blender, ever again.

So needless to say, I was a bit iffy when she brought home a fifteen dollar bright pink blender from target.... pretty much figured I would have the same experience as I did before. But hey, why not give it a shot, right?

Well, let. me. tell. you. This thing has won me over from the start! I have been making a smoothie a day (sometimes more) for the past week and each day been surprised at what yummy and nutritious drinks come out outa this thing! I had seen a recipe numerous times before on a blog that I follow, and knew it had to be my first smoothie I tried out. I have made a few tweaks to it, so let me show you what I have come up with! 
(Here is where I learned about this recipe to begin with... feel good smoothie)

Here are the ingredients:
1 Cup So Delicious organic coconut milk (I accidentally bought the sweetened kind, next time i will get unsweetened)
Half or whole banana
2 large leaves of kale-so many nutrients are jam packed into this veggie, with minimal calories.
1/2 Cup Frozen mixed berries
2 Tablespoons ground flax seeds- too many good things are in flax seeds to list here... look it up! :)

Unless you have a super good blending machine (ie. you paid more than 15 dollars for yours) I would suggest blending the kale with the coconut milk first to help break the leaves down. It comes out a lovely color or green, eh? OH! and dont forget to take the stem out of the middle of each leaf. Its very tough and will not break down easily for a smooth consistency.

And here is the final product with everything blended together. I pulse a few times, just go get it going, then blend for about 30-45 seconds. Now, you can't tell me that doesn't look fabulous.

Keep in mind, this is just a basic recipe, go ahead and use whatever you have available in the kitchen that day. I have done a few variations of this, adding strawberry yogurt, fresh blueberries, and tried a few ice cubes (would not recommend the ice) from time to time. 
This is just a tasty way to get some great nutrients into your body without even knowing you are eating healthy. Plus, it keeps you full for hours! 

One more thing before I leave you, some of these things-- kale and flax seed in particular--may seem very odd if you are not used to 'health foods' or healthy eating. BUT, try it! I promise you will not regret it, you will feel full of energy, and proud for doing something healthy for your body :)


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